
23 November 2013

Sacramento Court Corruption: Judge Peter McBrien, Judge Pro Tem Divorce Lawyer Charlotte Keeley Case Featured in Divorce Corp. Documentary

Click play > to watch the Divorce Corp trailer. Best viewed at full-screen setting.

Hon. Robert C. Hight – Hon. Bunmi O. Awoniyi – Hon. Steven M. Gevercer – Hon. Tami R. Bogert – Hon. James M. Mize – Vance Raye - CJP Victoria B. Henley – Hon. Thadd A. Blizzard -Sacramento County Bar Association Family Law Section - kathryn werdegar – goodwin liu – marvin baxter – ming chin – joyce kennard – carol corrigan – tani cantil-sakauye – Jacqueline Eston attorney - attorney Charlotte Keeley – family law - attorney Elaine Van Beveren – Sacramento - attorney Thomas Woodruff - attorney Richard Sokol – child custody - attorney Timothy Zeff – attorney Robert O’Hair – attorney Scott Buchanan – attorney Richard Gary - attorney Steve Burlingham – divorce - attorney Richard Gary – attorney Camille Hemmer – attorney Jackie Gevelinger – Carlson and Gevelinger family lawchild support – attorney Fredrick Rick Cohen – attorney Anthony Dick – attorney Dave Grotewohl – family law Gary, Till and Burlingham - family court Sacramento - attorney Jerry Guthrie – attorney Jackie Eston - attorney Mark Hughes – attorney Mary Molinaro – attorney Terri Newman – Carlson and Gevelinger - attorney John O’Malley –- attorney Diane Wasznicky - attorney Nancy Perkovich – attorney Donna Reed – attorney Stephen Wagner – family law Bartholomew and Wasznicky – family law – attorney Joseph Winn – attorney Tim Zeff – attorney Jacqueline Gevelinger – attorney Jackie Eston – Donna Gary – Legal Administrative Services  – Client Tickler software- – attorney Russell Carlson – attorney Paula Salinger – attorney Mark Ambrose – Larscheid Buchanan and Zeff - attorney Gary Appelblatt – attorney Bunmi Awoniyi – attorney Jeff Posner – attorney Hal Bartholomew – United States District Court Eastern District of California – Sacramento Federal Court – United States Courts - Judge William Shubb - Judge Edmund Brennan - Judge Garland Burrell Jr - Judge Carolyn Delaney - Judge Morrison England Jr - Judge Gregory Hollows - Judge John Mendez - Judge Kendall Newman - Judge Troy Nunley - Judge Allison Claire - Judge Dale Drozd - Judge Lawrence Karlton - Judge Kimberly Mueller – Office of the United States Attorneys Benjamin B. Wagner Eastern District of California, Judge Kevin R. Culhane – Hon. Kevin R Culhane – Judge Kevin Culhane -
The documentary Divorce Corp will be released Jan. 10, 2014
Entertainment Tonight has just released the world premiere trailer of the documentary film Divorce Corp. A scathing indictment of the divorce industry in the United States, the documentary reportedly will include the notorious Carlsson case from Sacramento Family Court. The compelling trailer foreshadows many of the same issues reported here at Sacramento Family Court News, which last May was the first media organization worldwide to report on the pending production

From the plot summary at IMDb: 
"A documentary that exposes the appalling fiscal waste, shameless collusive practices and rampant corruption within the U.S. family law industry. More money and more people flow through the family courts than any other court system in America combined - now grossing over $50 billion a year. But because of good intentions run amok, misplaced financial incentives, cronyism, and a lack of checks and balances, family courts have become self-corrupting, extra-constitutional fiefdoms that serve the local legal community instead of the general public. Rather than help victims of crimes, these courts often create them. And rather than help parents and children move on, as they are mandated to do, these courts - and their associates - drag out their cases for years, sometimes decades, ultimately resulting in a rash of social ills including bankruptcy, violence, the bastardization of feminism and the criminalization of civil laws. Solutions to the crisis are sought out in Scandinavian countries where marriage dissolution is handled without attorneys, courts, or the turbulence and family disintegration so common in the United States."
In the updated credits, James Scurlock has both a producer and writer credit. Scurlock is the writer/director of the critically acclaimed documentary Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders. Divorce Corp is set for release in theaters on January 10, 2014. For further information and updates, visit the Divorce Corp Twitter page at @divorcecorp. Sacramento Family Court News will have continuing coverage of Divorce Corp. Click here for a list of SFCN articles about the film. 

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