
05 April 2016

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Misconduct Victims Attend, Testify at State Assembly Hearing on Commission on Judicial Performance Problems

In the video clip above, Commission on Judicial Performance whistleblower and court reform advocate Joe Sweeney testifies at a California Assembly Budget Committee hearing on March 28, 2016. The CJP is responsible for judge oversight and accountability in the state. 

Several days before the hearing, Sweeney's court modernization and reform organization, Court Reform LLC, released a 78-page report which raised questions about CJP judicial misconduct statistical data and how the agency spends taxpayer funds.

The report, Why a Spotlight must be put on the Commission on Judicial Performance, also charged that CJP operations were shielded by an excessive and unprecedented level of secrecy for a government agency. In this four minute video, Sweeney explains to the committee the methodology and results of Court Reform LLC's six month investigation into the policies, procedures, and effectiveness of the CJP. 

Sweeney also requested that the Legislature order an audit of the commission, and withhold additional funding for the agency until it could prove that taxpayer funds were being used efficiently.

Sacramento Superior Court judge misconduct victims also provided testimony at the hearing. Sacramento Family Court Report will post additional videos from the hearing as they become available. 


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