
16 March 2022

Get to Know the California State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct: Rule 3.4 Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel: News You Can Use

CONSUMER PROTECTION NEWS YOU CAN USE: Having trouble with an ethically-challenged attorney? The State Bar of California may be able to help

The bar updated the California Rules of Professional Conduct in 2018. Pro per litigants should know the rules and hold opposing attorneys - who often violate the rules - accountable. If an attorney violates the rules, tell the judge on the case, and the presiding judge of the superior court. 

Under the Code of Judicial Ethics, judges must take "appropriate corrective action" when they become aware of lawyer misconduct. This judicial duty is not optional, or "discretionary." It is mandatory.  

If the judge on the case, or the presiding judge fails or refuses to take appropriate corrective action, make a complaint against the judge to the state Commission on Judicial Performance. 

Read our Special Report: Sacramento County Family Court Operates as RICO Racketeering Enterprise, Charge Whistleblowers.

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