
16 September 2012

Family Law Judge Hon. Matthew J. Gary Unjustly Branded By Demotion & Martyred For Visions - Sunday Funnies

The Persecution of 
Judge Matthew J. Gary

Sunday Satire by RoadDog

As the world recently learned, the Hon. Matthew J. Gary has been unconscionably and unjustifiably punished for being an innovator and visionary. In the tradition of all great revolutionaries, during his abbreviated stint as the Supervising Family Law, Probate and ADA judge, Gary spoke truth to power. And like Jesus ChristMahatma GandhiMartin Luther King Jr., Jason McCord and all the wrongly persecuted visionaries who came before him, Gary was silenced - martyred for his visions. Now stripped of his command, the judge must spend  the rest of his career unjustly branded.

With extensive experience in psych warfare and covert ops, connecting the dots and deconstructing the conspiracy leading to the demise of the Hon. Matthew J. Gary is an elementary exercise for the RoadDog. In the interests of justice, this story must be told. To continue reading, click Read more >> below... 

Conspiracy Part 1 - The Manchurian Candidate
Hon. Robert C. Hight – Hon. Bunmi O. Awoniyi – Hon. Steven M. Gevercer – Hon. Tami R. Bogert – Hon. James M. Mize – Vance Raye - CJP Victoria B. Henley – Hon. Thadd A. Blizzard -Judge Matthew Gary, Sacramento County Bar Association Family Law Section; Family Law Executive Committee; Sacramento County Family Law Section; Temporary Judge; Judge Pro Tem; California Judges Association, Commission on Judicial Performance, California Judicial Conduct Handbook, David M. Rothman, California Code of Judicial Ethics, State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct, Temporary Judge, Judge Pro Tem, Sacramento Family Law Lawyer, Family Law Attorney Sacramento, Divorce Lawyer in Sacramento, Divorce with Respect, State Bar of California,
As reported exclusively here at Sacramento Family Court News, the plot to discredit Gary began in 2009 with a plant - Robert Saunders - a Manchurian Candidate bent on character assassination. During a court hearing in March of that year, Saunders - a disgruntled family court litigant who is self-represented because he allegedly cannot afford to hire an attorney - provoked, taunted and incited Gary by demanding the judge rule on his evidentiary objections. 

Justifiably enraged that a non-attorney would introduce law into his courtroom, our protagonist was left with no choice but to have the indigent, disabled litigant arrested and forcibly removed from the courtroom by multiple bailiffs. In reality, Saunders' faux drama act was nothing more than a crude, albeit effective, litigation tactic designed to embroil and disparage the judge, and gain an advantage against the opposing attorney. Classic spot-fixing.    

Conspiracy Part 2 - Activating The Sleeper Cell
Although details of the nefarious recruitment method used by Saunders to enlist a San Joaquin County judge in the scheme may never be known, we do know this: At some point in 2009, an out-of-county, non-white, non-male, Superior Court judge with an un-American sounding name was activated and joined the conspiracy.  
Judge Robert Hight – Judge Bunmi Awoniyi – Judge Steven Gevercer – Judge Tami Bogert – Judge James Mize – Vance Raye - Victoria Henley CJP - Judge Thadd Blizzard -tani g. cantil sakauye - Supreme Court of California – Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye – Associate Justice Carol A. Corrigan – Associate Justice Joyce L. Kennard – Associate Justice Kathryn M. Werdegar – Associate Justice Ming W. Chin – Associate Justice Marvin R. Baxter – Associate Justice Goodwin Liu – Justice Cantil-Sakauye –California Supreme Court

We also know that the sleeper cell activation mechanism used by Saunders was a motion to disqualify Gary under Code of Civil Procedure sections 170.1 and 170.3., dead dropped in Sacramento County Superior Court on April 24, 2009. Upon receipt of the "motion," San Joaquin County Superior Court Judge and Saunders operative Xapuri B. Villapudua diligently carried out her assignment in the plot. Eight months later, a two-page "order" issued by Villapudua would forever taint the reputation of the Honorable Matthew J. GaryOn January 7, 2010, Villapudua carried out her mission: 
"Based on the evidence submitted, the Court does find a reasonable person might entertain a doubt that Judge Matthew J. Gary would be able to be impartial. Three separate witnesses stated Judge Gary was rude to [Saunders]. Three separate witnesses declared the Judge appeared biased during the hearing, making snide or rude comments to Respondent. 
From the sworn declarations submitted it appears Judge Gary became embroiled during the hearing on March 9, 2009. Judge Gary appeared to lose his patience with [Saunders]. He did not adhere to the proper procedure for contempt and had [Saunders] arrested and forcibly removed from his courtroom by multiple bailiffs...Judge Gary submitted a one-sentence answer to this Court. Based on the evidence submitted the Motion for Recusal is GRANTED." 
Conspiracy Part 3 - The Cut-Out

Incredibly, even after Villapudua completed her mission Saunders wasn't finished expanding the scope of his elaborate conspiracy to discredit and humiliate the Honorable Matthew J. Gary. Five months after the San Joaquin County sleeper cell completed its work, co-conspirator Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Richard Gilmour carried out his role to blackball the esteemed family court judge. On May 10, 2010 Gilmour dismissed the resisting arrest charge filed against Saunders by Gary's courtroom bailiff and Sacramento County Sheriff's Department Deputy J. Strong

The conspiracy to dispossess Judge Matthew Gary of his rightful throne will not be forgotten, nor go unpunished. Like the proverbial phoenix, Matt will one day rise from the ashes and reclaim his destiny. Until then, RoadDog offers the consolation of this heartfelt musical tribute from Coldplay:

"I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own..."

Related Content:
  • For SFCN coverage of Judge Matthew J. Garyclick here
  • For our reports on Court Executive Officer Christina Volkersclick here
  • For articles about family court Director of Operations Julie Setzerclick here.
  • For additional coverage of the people and issues in this post, click the corresponding labels below. 

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