
18 January 2015

Tani Cantil-Sakauye: Career Skills I Learned Dealing Blackjack - SFCN Sunday Funnies - RoadDog Satire

Former Sacramento County & 3rd District Judge Cantil-Sakauye Shares Life Lessons Learned Dealing Blackjack 

Sunday Satire by RoadDog
Judge Tani Cantil-Sakauye California Supreme Court - Associate Justice Carol A. Corrigan – Associate Justice Kathryn M. Werdegar – Associate Justice Ming W. Chin – Associate Justice Goodwin H. Liu – Associate Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuellar – Associate Justice Leondra Kruger - 3rd District Court of Appeal – Sacramento –Vance Raye - Cole Blease – Ronald Robie – William  Murray Jr. – George Nicolson – Kathleen Butz – Elena Duarte – Harry Hull – Louis Mauro – Andrea Hoch – Third District Court of Appeal California    Arthur Scotland – Justice Arthur G. Scotland – Judge Arthur Scotland – Hon. Arthur G. Scotland – 3rd District –
Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye learned a lot about life, and drunks, as a blackjack dealer.
RoadDog's Not Exactly Famous Quotes Series

"I learned how to pick a jury, how to read body language, what under the influence means and what drunk means." California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye

From NBC News4 Los Angeles: 
"The chief justice said she would not take an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court if one was offered and reflected on her job as a black jack dealer at a Lake Tahoe casino when she was a law student. 
'I learned how to pick a jury, how to read body language, what under the influence means, and what drunk means,' she said." 
For more profound wisdom and life skills from the chief justice, including how to write the second worst Supreme Court opinion of the year, and help cover up a racketeering syndicate run by your homies, visit our special Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye page  

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