
03 June 2015

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Misconduct: False Testimony Under Oath by Judge Peter J. McBrien at the Commission on Judicial Performance

Perjury and Lies by Judge Peter McBrien Documented by the Commission on Judicial Performance in Whistleblower Leaked Records

Wednesday Document Dump - SFCN Exclusive

Judge Kevin R. Culhane – Hon. Kevin R Culhane – Judge Kevin Culhane -California Supreme Court Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, Justice Goodwin Liu, Justice Carol Corrigan, Justice Leondra Kruger, Justice Ming Chin, Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuellar, Kathryn Werdegar Supreme Court of California
Sacramento Superior Court Judge Peter McBrien's personal vendetta against Ulf 
Carlsson was detailed and reenacted in the 2014 documentary film Divorce Corp.
False testimony under oath by Judge Peter McBrien is documented by the Commission on Judicial Performance in this set of whistleblower leaked documents, embedded below. The CJP is the state agency responsible for the oversight and accountability of judges in California. 

McBrien's serial misconduct in the Carlsson divorce case led to his prosecution by the CJP and was chronicled in the 2014 documentary film Divorce Corp. To view a clip from the movie featuring an interview with Ulf Carlsson describing what a court of appeal judge called McBrien's "judicial reign of terror," click here.  

Sacramento Superior Court watchdogs allege that the judge also is responsible for a family court criminal racketeering enterprise involving collusion and kickbacks between judges and divorce lawyers who also work as part-time judges in the same court. Click here for our investigative report.  

McBrien retired from the bench in 2014, but was authorized to continue working as a family court commissioner by controversial Sacramento County Presiding Judge Robert Hight and troubled family court Supervising Judge James Mize. Hight testified as a character witness in support of McBrien at the judge's 2009 CJP prosecution. Mize also testified as a character witness for McBrien.   

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