
02 November 2015

Sacramento Superior Court Controversy: Facebook Family Court Watchdog Group Reaches Landmark, Continues Growth Trajectory

Sacramento Family Court Corruption Facebook Community Logs 500 Follower "Likes" 

3rd District Court of Appeal – Sacramento –Vance Raye - Cole Blease – Ronald Robie – William  Murray Jr. – George Nicolson – Kathleen Butz – Elena Duarte – Harry Hull – Louis Mauro – Andrea Hoch – Jonathan Renner Third District Court of Appeal California
Sacramento Superior Court Supervising Family Law Judge James Mize is featured on the home page of the Sacramento Family Court Corruption Facebook group. 

A Facebook group that catalogs examples of Sacramento Family Court problems and scandals, and acts as a de facto support group for unrepresented, pro per family court victims of the alleged racketeering organization operating in the court has just reached a Facebook milestone of 500 "Likes." The achievement was announced by group facilitator and veteran court watchdog Ulf Carlsson
"Our outreach to family court victims continues to deliver results," Carlsson said."The egregious corruption in this court continues because the responsible parties assume that the victims will never come together and exchange information. This Facebook group enables victims to connect, share experiences and be able to show oversight authorities and law enforcement that the problems are systemic, and not one-off, isolated events," Carlsson explained.  
To visit the Sacramento Family Court Corruption Facebook page, click here. Family court victims can also contact group facilitator Ulf Carlsson directly by email by clicking here. Carlsson was featured in the 2014 documentary film, Divorce Corp. View the Carlsson Divorce Corp video clip at the SFCN YouTube Channel. The full movie is now available on Netflix.  

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