
17 June 2016

3rd District Appellate Justice Cole Blease Targeted by Court Watchdogs for Role in Cover Up of Judge Matthew Gary Misconduct

The Family Court Accountability Coalition released this meme theme photo
of 3rd District Court of Appeal Justice Coleman Blease. The whistleblower
group contends that Blease effectively acts as an appellate court mole for, 
and helps cover up misconduct by trial court judges.
Sacramento Superior Court watchdogs have initiated a campaign to publicize what they allege is cronyism between judges who work at the Third District Court of Appeal and Sacramento Superior Court.

The group has catalogued personal, social, professional, and political connections between the two groups that they assert result in the appellate court effectively doctoring appeals to conceal judicial misconduct by trial court judges.

In March, 3rd District Justice Cole Blease dismissed an appeal that, among other allegations, documented criminal conduct by controversial Judge Matthew Gary. Court records show that Gary may have acted as an accessory after-the-fact to a criminal child abduction by the client of a local divorce attorney with ties to the controversial family court temporary judge program. The details are outlined in briefs from the case, which are catalogued and viewable at the Scribd document publishing website.

Read our Special Report: Sacramento County Family Court Operates as RICO Racketeering Enterprise, Charge Whistleblowers.

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